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British Library

Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Prologue by Gilbert de la Porrée (ff. 2r-3v); Apocalypse (Revelation) in prose with glosses (ff. 3v-58v). Source: British Library Add ms 17399, …

Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts

Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae Source: British Library Add ms 15603, f.93r.

Kint Geboren

Kint Geboren

Jacob van Maerlant, Der naturen bloeme Source: British Library Add ms 11390, f.1v.



Two terrobolem stones, male and female, when brought close together, spontaneously ignite and create a raging fire. Bestiary Source: British Library Add …

Pin Pricked

Pin Pricked

Pinpricks allow the transfer of a drawing from one sheet of vellum to another. Bestiary Source: British Library Add ms 11283, f.6r.



Bible (The ‘Moutier-Grandval Bible’). Source: British Library Add MS 10546, f. 5v.

Angel of the Creation

Angel of the Creation

Bible (The ‘Moutier-Grandval Bible’). Source: British Library Add MS 10546, f. 5v.

Canon Table Arcade

Canon Table Arcade

Bible (The ‘Moutier-Grandval Bible’). Source: British Library Add MS 10546, f. 351r.

Hare Line Filler

Hare Line Filler

Bible (The ‘Moutier-Grandval Bible’). Source: British Library Add MS 10546, f. 7r.

Spring Blossoms

Spring Blossoms

Majmu’a / مجموعه Source: British Library Add ms 7914, f. 70r.

Shepherds abiding in the field

Shepherds abiding in the field

The Book of Psalms, Psalter of the Virgin Mary, and Little Office of the Virgin Mary Source: British Library Arundel ms 157, …

Descender Dweller

Descender Dweller

Boccaccio, Des cas de nobles hommes et femmes Source: British Library Add ms 35321, f.50v.