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Signed, sealed, delivered

Signed, sealed, delivered

« La Bible hystoriaus, ou les hystoires escolastres » de Guyart des Moulins Source: Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Ms-5059 réserve, fol. 223r.

Dealing with the Devil

Dealing with the Devil

Gautier de Coinci, Miracles de Nostre Dame (Livres I et II); Saluts de Nostre Dame ; Prières à Nostre Dame ; Cinq …



Le Secret des secrets. — Alain Chartier, Le Bréviaire des nobles. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, NAF 18145, …

ADN-B1336-1882 Counter-seal

Thumbprints on Ghent counter-seal

The face to face interaction with centuries-old cultural artifacts is something I have become accustomed to. I’ve visited dozens or hundreds of …

Soft wax

Soft wax

I’ve been astounded to find thumbprints on the backside of seals before, but I never thought I’d see a depiction of the …

Sealed the deal

Sealed the deal

« Miroir de la salvation humaine, que frere VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, Jacobin,… jadis confesseur du roy de France Mgr. saint Loys, fist …

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Azon, Somme sur le Code , Somme sur les Institutes , Extraordinaires , traduction en français. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, …

Letter from God with seal

At first, this might look like a speech balloon, but it’s actually a depiction of a letter written by God on a …