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Codicology, Page 6

Century Selector
Catchword with face

Catchword with face

Petrus Thomas , Formalitates seu Questiones de modis distinctionum Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 3433, fol. 58v



Petrus de Ciperia Lemovicensis , De Oculo morali Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 3605, p. 160.

Pen trials

Pen trials

1.° Tabulae nativitatum virorum quorumdam illustrium, qui decimo quinto, decimo sexto et decimo septimo saeculo floruerunt. — 2.° Anonymi tractatus de judiciis …

Early Book Repair

Early Book Repair

It looks like someone borrowed half a page long enough to sing a song or two, then stitched it back in. Breviarium …

Water transfer

Water transfer

The verso of the flyleaf picked up the transferred text and rubrication from fol. 1r. Senecae varia opera philosophica Source: Bibliothèque …

Lost Lines

Lost Lines

Damaged by fire. Petrus Lombardus, Glossa in Psalmos . — Provinciale romanum Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Latin …

Manuscript Curtain

Manuscript Curtain

Protecting delicate miniatures. Horae ad usum Turonensem Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 1202, fol. 36r.

Copy via pricking

Copy via pricking

Look closely at this image (right-click > view image) and you’ll see that the main lines have been traced by pricking holes …

Prickings in the gutter

Prickings in the gutter

This manuscript has prickings in the outer margin… Titi Livii historiae Romanae decas tertia. Source: AND in the gutter: Titi Livii …

Cue-letter P

Cue-letter P

[Hugonis tractatus] de claustro animae Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 13417, fol. 5v. Is it the lighting, …

Reading between the lines

Reading between the lines

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 15763, fol. 63v.

Repurposed as binding material

Repurposed as binding material

Recueil factice composé de 73 fragments de manuscrits, pour la plupart, des défets de reliures. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département …

Canon Table Crane

Canon Table Crane

Biblia [Bible dite de Théodulfe]. Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Latin 9380, fol. 253v.



S. Hieronymus Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Latin 1933, fol. 61r.