The Penitence of Adam and Eve

« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »
« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »

Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Ms-5092 réserve, fol. 5v.

This lesser known episode in the life of Adam and Eve merits closer examination. Here is a semi-diplomatic transcription of a portion of this manuscript, followed by my translation.

« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »
« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »

La Penitance Adam


Fol. 10v.
Comment Adam et Eve mis et constituez ou monde bas commencerent a querir leur vie et de leurs complaintes et miseres quilz eurent. VIe Chapitre.

Apres ce que Adam et Eve furent expulsez et bannis de paradis terrestre et de delices par la prevarication et transgression du commandement de dieu en mengant du fruit de science et de vie a eulz deffendu sicomme dit est ils firent et composerent au mieulz quilz peurent eulz venus en terre ung petit tabernacle ou ilz plourerent doloureusement et lamenterent par lespace de sept jours continuelz regardans lung laultre en tresgrant tristresse et angoisse. Aprez lequel terme ilz commencerent [11r] avoir moult grant faim et queroient partout environ eulz aulcune chose dont ilz peussent mengier et assouvir leur faim mais riens ne trouverent pour quoy Eve en plourant dist a Adam:

O mon seigneur et mon bon mary, certes maintenant congnoy-je la cause de mon pechie et le courroux de mon createur par la grant faim que je porte et seuffre. Va, je te prye et sy nous quieres aulcune chose adfin que nous mengons et vivons paraventure nous regardera nostre Seigneur des yeulz de sa misericorde et nous rappellera au lieu ouquel nous soulions habiter et dont nous sommes expulsez et a bon droit.

Adam, a la parole de Eve sa compaigne, se leva du lieu triste ou il sestoit mis pour plourer et deambula par sept jours toute la terre denviron eulz mais il ny trouva point de tele viande comme avoir souloit ou jardin de delices [11v] dont nagaires il souloit estre roy et seigneur. Pour quoy luy retourne. Eve luy dist:

O mon treshonoure seigneur, a la mienne voulente que je fusse morte paraventure derechief te remettroit dieu en paradis ton royaulme car pour moy at par ma coulpe est dieu courrouce contre toy. Se tu veulz, occis-moy je ten prye comme celle quy bien lay desservy car je suy la cause de nostre pechie et par consequent de nostre ruyne et non pas toy.

A laquelle respondy Adam: Apaise-toy, Eve, et ne veulles penser ne dire telles paroles a celle fin que paraventure nostre Seigneur ne soit derechief courrouce contre nous et envoye sa malediction sur nous. Et aussy comment se pourroit ce faire que je meisse ma main violente en toy quy es ma propre char? Mais laissons ces parolles et querons notre vivre adfin que ne perissons [12r] et defaillons par nostre paresce.

A ces paroles se leverent et eulz deux ensamble quisrent par ix jours leur vivre mais riens ne trouverent comme ilz souloyent avoir ou lieu de leur premiere creation. Ains tant seulement trouverent viande pareille a celle que les bestes mengoient. Dont eulz moult doloureux et angoisseux lung regardant laultre Adam dist a Eve:

Nostre Seigneur donne aux animaulz et bestes brutes viande a mengier adfin quilz vivent et nagaires nous estoit administree viande angelicque mais justement et dignement nous complaignons devant le regarde de nostre Seigneur quy nous a fait et nous repentons en faisant grande penitance et en ce faisant paraventure aura dieu de nous mercy et nous disposera la chose dont nous viverons.

Lors dist Eve a Adam: Monseigneur et mary, dis-moy [12v] je te prye quele chose est penitance et comment nous la ferons adfin que paraventure ne commencons tel labour que ne le puissons accomplir et que noz pryeres ne fussent exaulcees et par ainsy que nostre seigneur dieu ne destourne sa face de nous car desja ne luy avons pas tenu ne accomply ce que luy avions promis. Et toy, mon chier amy et seigneur pour quoy as tu pense de faire penitance quand je meismes suy celle quy tay induit et amene a ceste doloureuse tribulation?

Ma compaigne, respondy lors Adam, force est que pour apaisier nostre Seigneur nous faisons penitance mais tu ne la peus soustenir par tant de temps comme moy. Or fay doncques ainsy comme je tenseigneray et tu seras saulvee. Je doy faire quarante jours de jeune. Et toy, lieve sus et ten va au fleuve du Tigre et por[13r]te avecques toy une pierre que tu mettras dedens le canal ou fil de lyaue sur laquelle seras en estant jusques au col et ne isse de ta bouche parolle aulcune par lespace de xxxiii jours. Car nous ne sommes pas dignes de ouvrir noz bouches pour deprier nostre Seigneur pour ce que noz levres furent faittes immondes et souillies par latouchement du fruit a nous deffendu. Soyes donques, Eve, ma compaigne par lespace de xxxjjj jours en lyaue du fleuve du Tigre en la maniere comme je le tay devise. Et je men iray au fleuve Jordain ou je seray pareillement par lespace de xl jours et par ceste maniere paraventure ara dieu mercy de nous.

Comment Adam et Eve se departirent lung de laultre pour aler faire leur penitance. VIIe Chapitre.

Quand Adam eubt finee sa raison [13v] Eve prist de luy congie et en grant amertume de cueur sen ala tout droit au fleuve du Tigre ou elle porta une pierre et fist selon le conseil et instruction que son mary luy avoit donne. Semblablement sen ala Adam au fleuve de Jordain prist une pierre et la mist ou mylieu dudit fleuve puis se mist en piez dessus icelle en lyaue jusques au col. Puis dist Adam au fleuve O toy, eaue Jordain, Je te prye que tu veulles condoloir a ma misere et non pas toy seulement mais toutes les choses nagans en vivans en toy me environnent et pleurent avec moy non pas pour chose quelles ayent desservy ne pour leur pechie mais pour le mien quy ay transgresse le commandement de mon createur. Et tantost a ceste pryere tous les poissons et aultres choses nagans environnerent Adam et meismes lyaue demoura immobile [14r] et sans cours depuis celle heure jusques a la fin de sa penitance.

Comment Eve par la suggestion du dyable rompy sa penitence. VIIIe Chapitre.

Ainsy trespasserent xxviii jours pour quoy Sathan moult envieux de cestuy benefice se transfigura en samblance d’angele en laquele forme il sen ala au fleuve de Tigris devers Eve quil trouva en lyaue jusques au col moult fort plourant. Le dyable la voyant en cest estat commenca a faire maniere de plourer comme sil eust compassion de sa grande et austere penitance et luy dist en ceste maniere: O Eve, je te prye wide de ce fleuve et sy te repose ung pou de ta grande tristesse et de ton gemissement dont tu es sy sollicite. Et Adam ton mary pareillement est solliciteux. Nostre Seigneur a oy vostre gemissant pryere et sy a receu en gre vostre austere [14v] penitance et nous angeles avons deprie dieu et aoure pour vous. Et de fait ma envoye vers vous adfin de vous mettre hors de leaue. Et adfin aussy de vous preparer aliment et nourreture pareille a celle que vous eustes en paradis et pour quoy vous vous estes plains a dieu aultre foiz. Is hors, Eve, de ceste yaue et je te menray au lieu ou jay appareille vostre vie pour ton mary et pour toy.

Eve oyant ceste persuasion creut de legier aux consolatives paroles du temptateur, sy issy de lyaue du fleuve et sa char estoit faicte comme ung raim dherbe croissant en froide yeaue. Et quand Eve fut hors de leaue du fleuve elle de foiblesse cheut a terre. Le dyable la releve tantost et de son gre la mena a Adam son mary. […]

The Penitence of Adam

English Translation
By Jesse Hurlbut

Chapter 6.
How Adam and Eve, having been cast out to the terrestrial world began to seek out a living and of their complaints and the misery that they knew.

After Adam and Eve had been expulsed and banished from Earthly Paradise and its delectableness by their disobedience and the transgression of the commandment of God by eating the fruit of knowledge and life which had been forbidden them as has already been described, they made and constructed as best as they could a small tabernacle out of clay where they cried in sorrow and lamented continuously for the space of seven days, looking at each other in great sadness and anguish. After this time, they began to know great hunger and they sought throughout the area around them for something they could eat to calm their hunger, but they found nothing. Then Eve, weeping, said to Adam:

O my lord and my good husband, certainly now I know the cause of my sin and the wrath of my creator by the great hunger which I now bear and suffer. Go, I pray, and seek out anything so that we might eat and live, in hopes that our Lord will cast his merciful gaze upon us and will recall us to that place where we are used to living and from which we have been rightly cast out.

Adam, upon the request of his wife, Eve, went out from the sad place where he had been crying and wandered for seven days throughout the land around them, but could not find any of the kind of meat that they were used to eating in the Garden of Paradise, where he had once been the king and lord. Upon which, he returned to Eve, who said to him:
O my beloved lord, it is my will to be dead that perchance God might return you to Paradise, your kingdom. For because of me and my fault is God angry with you. If you want, kill me, I pray, as one who deserves it for I am the cause of our sin and consequently for our ruin. Not you.

To which Adam responded: Be calm, Eve, and no longer think such things lest our Lord be angry with us and send some curse upon us. Besides, how could I possibly raise a violent hand against you, who are flesh of my flesh? Leave these words and let us seek out a living so that we not perish or weaken out of laziness.

Following these words, they arose and together sought out a living for nine days, but they could find nothing like what they were used to eating in the place of their first creation. They found only the kind of meat that animals eat, which caused them great sorrow and anguish. As they looked at one another, Adam said to Eve:

Our Lord gives to animals and lowly beasts meat to eat so that they can live, and not long ago, we also received angelic meat, but now, justly and rightly, we suffer before the gaze of our Lord who created us, and we repent by means of our penance, that perhaps God will have mercy upon us and will provide sustenance for us.

Then Eve said to Adam: My lord and husband, tell me, I pray, what is this penance and how shall we accomplish it so that we might not start something we can not finish, so that our prayers might be answered and thus our Lord will not turn his face away from us? For, already, we have not kept the word we gave to him nor accomplished what we promised. And you, my dear friend and lord, why do you think to perform penance when I myself am the one who led you into this painful tribulation?

My companion, replied Adam, in order to appease our Lord, it is necessary for us both to serve penance, but you can not sustain it as long as I can. Thus, do as I teach you and you will be saved. I must fast for forty days. And you, arise and go to the Tigris River and take with you a stone that you will put into the flow of the water and stand on it so that the water rises up to your neck and let no words issue from your mouth for the space of thirty-three days. Wherefore, we are not worthy to open our mouths to pray to the Lord because our lips have become corrupt and sullied by touching the fruit that was forbidden us. Eve, stay for thirty-three days in the water of the Tigris as I have described. I will go to the Jordan River where I will do the same for forty days and this way, perhaps God will have mercy upon us.

Chapter 7
How Adam and Eve left one another to perform their penance.

When Adam had finished his teaching, Eve bade him farewell and in great bitterness went straight to the Tigris River, where she carried a stone and did according to the counsel and instruction that her husband had given her. Similarly, Adam went to the Jordan River and put a stone in the middle of the river, then stood on it with the water rising up to his neck. Then Adam said to the river:

O, River Jordan, I pray you may console my misery, that not you only, but everything swimming and living in you might surround me and weep with me, not for anything that they have done wrong or for any sin of theirs, but for my own, I who have transgressed the commandment of my creator.

Following his prayer, all the fish and everything swimming in the water around Adam, and even the water itself became immobile around him and ceased to flow from that moment until the end of his penance.

Chapter 8
How Eve, by the suggestion of the Devil broke her penance

Thus transpired twenty-eight days when Satan, who was quite envious of this good work, transfigured himself into the appearance of an angel, which form he took as he went to the Tigris where he found Eve, up to her neck in water, weeping sorely. The devil, seeing her in this state, began to pretend to cry as if he had compassion on her great and austere penitence, and he spoke to her in this manner:

O, Eve, I pray you might leave this river and rest a bit from your great sorrow and from the mourning that you have expressed. And Adam is also expressing himself in the same way. Our Lord has heard your mournful prayers and has accepted your austere penitence and we angels have prayed and beseeched on your behalf. In fact, I have been sent in order to get you out of the water and also to prepare food and nourishment similar to that which you had in Paradise and for which you have since prayed to receive from God. Step out of this water, Eve, and I will take you to the place where I have prepared a life for your husband and you.

Eve, upon hearing this persuasion, was quick to believe the tempter’s words of consolation, so she got out of the water in the river and her skin was like the moss that grows in cold water. And when Eve was out of the river water, she fell to the earth from weakness. The devil raised her up as he pleased and took her right away to her husband Adam. […]

Notice the feet of the “angel” helping Eve out of the water:
« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »
« Cy commence ung petit traittié intitulé la Penitance Adam, translaté de latin en françois par Colart Mansion, au commandement de noble et puissant seigneur monseigneur de la G[ruthuse], conte de Wincestre, prince de Steenhuse, etc. »

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